Men's Health
Men's Health Physiotherapy can help you live the life you want. If you experience any of the following, we are here for you
Incontinence There are two main types of incontinence. Stress incontinence is related to the leakage of urine when there is an increase in abdominal pressure e.g., when running, lifting, jumping, coughing or laughing. Urge Incontinence occurs when there is an overwhelming urge to go to the toilet, but you are unable to make it there in time. These types of incontinence will often exist together. Overactive bladder presents as a higher than usual frequency of needing to urinate. This will often occur with urgency and low volumes. These symptoms can be caused by hormonal changes or post-infection/surgery. The most common cause of incontinence in men is prostate enlargement or following prostate surgery. Treatment may include: - Pelvic floor muscle assessment - Bladder habit assessment and retraining - Fluid analysis and education - Diet and lifestyle advice - PTNS (posterior tibial nerve stimulation) - Acupuncture/dry needling - Visceral release/massage - Penile clamp use/education
Sexual Dysfunction/Pelvic Pain Pelvic pain can occur for a variety of reasons and describes pain felt deep within the pelvic region often with penile/scrotal or rectal symptoms. Pain will often be present during sexual intercourse which can be deeply distressing and often cause subsequent problems. Pain may also occur with erection. In some cases, it is diagnosed as pudendal neuralgia. Often treatment includes working with your GP or sexual health nurse to ensure cardiovascular health has been fully checked and to ensure that medication has been reviewed. Treatment may include: - Pelvic floor exercises and strengthening - Prescription and instruction around pump use - Visceral release/massage - Referral for Shockwave treatment - Manual therapy - Relaxation stretches and exercises - Acupuncture/dry needling
Bowel Health/Constipation Optimal bowel health is required for good pelvic health and often is the causative factor behind several pelvic conditions. There are a range of issues that cause constipation or poor bowel health that are not simply dietary. Bowel incontinence can also be a common complaint. Treatment may include: - Pelvic floor assessment - Pelvic floor exercises/strengthening - Continence product advice - PTNS (posterior tibial nerve stimulation) - Visceral mobilisation - Bowel retraining - Diet and lifestyle advice - Referral to a naturopath if required
Pre and Post Operative Management Prostate surgery often has the unfortunate side effect of urinary incontinence. To prevent this problem, it is advisable to see a men's health physiotherapist pre-operatively to begin a strengthening program and be taught correct technique of pelvic floor exercises. Post-operative assessments are advised to be completed at 2-4 weeks post-surgery so that any continence, pain and scarring issues can be addressed. Treatment may include: - Pelvic floor strengthening - Exercise prescription - Return to activities of daily living and your exercise of choice - Scar massage and mobilisation - Visceral release - Bladder retraining - Fluid management - Advice around diet and lifestyle